As any true Brit will observe, there's something quite queer in this picture. No, not him, look harder. That's right, the flag's been inverted! The press are abound with stories of incompetent 'foreign workers' in No. 10 being unable to identify the correct way up for the Union Flag - obviously another attempt to stir up the foreign v. British energy workers issue.
I think there is something far more sinister afoot; I believe that the flag was deliberately installed this way and placed in the full beam of the media spotlight by a person with full knowledge of what it means. Someone at that table is sending out a distress signal, trying to indicate that all is not well, possibly calling for reinforcements, and that this person has no other way of doing it without fear of reprisals! Now we just have to deduce who it is, and, more importantly, if we actually want to be helping them.
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